My Guesbook

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mo what a cutie!

he sits so tall and so cute lately i just want to pinch his cheeks but i wont cuz he will run out. lol. he get jealous of our new dog. Missy. we got another dog, missy. wow! missy she hopped over the fenced but thats another story. Mo's a jealous boy when he isnt paid attention too.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Mo and the lost of his g/f

i dont know how he will react to his Deija not being there but he will get another dog replace so he will have someone to play with and run around in the backyard. Recently Mo has been playing "seek a treat" a game and he loves it! Not as fast as Deija but sure likes it. He tries to sneak a bite in but momma says no and makes him sit. He always tries to stand back up. Him jump over couches has been a success lately. Mom doesn't like it. He flys over the couch like a cow jumping over the mooon. haha. anyways until next time!